Episode 31: Photo Printing 101

My friend, I don’t want to alarm you, but we are entering a digital dark age.

No, I am not talking about our soon to be AI overlords (though I am trying to be nice to them so I’m in their good graces when they take over).

I am talking about something much more relevant to us as photographers. 

And that’s all those darn photos you have sitting on your harddrive, or maybe multiple harddrives, maybe the cloud, your phone, floppy disks stashed away in the abc of your closet?! (Ok I can’t help with that last one)

I recently got a package from my aunt, it was full of pictures of my mom from when she and my dad were just wee young-uns and I wasn’t even around yet (youngest of 3 here!)

What a gift to receive, to get to see a bit more into the past of my mom when she’s not here anymore to tell me those stories.

What will your kids/nieces/nephews/dog kids get in 50 years? A USB drive that doesn’t work because everything is loaded directly through their skin into their brain? A digital picture frame with outdated software?

We print less and less, and yet the print is what Aristotle would call the final form of our images. 

So let’s dive into this episode where I give you a primer on all things printing!

When you finish listening, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway from today’s episode. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, share it on your Instagram or Facebook stories, and tag me. @kristinerosephotography 

And if you want to take the conversation deeper I’d love to have you inside my podcast Facebook group here!

To sign up at a discount for a limited time go to: https://kristinerosephotography.com/print




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